Practice Self-Love this Valentine’s Day (and Every Day)

Valentine's Day is almost here and it's time to show a little extra love to the special people in our lives. But what about the most important person of all? Yourself!



Many people who find it easy to be loving and generous to family members and friends often struggle with the notion of being kind to themselves.

Self-love isn’t silly or selfish —and it can make life’s challenges so much more manageable.

Developing a positive relationship with yourself is vital for good mental well-being.i Being kind to ourselves lowers anxiety and stress and helps build self-esteem and resilience.ii  Without self-love, you’re more likely to be self-critical and fall into people-pleasing and perfectionism. There’s a great chance you’ll tolerate mistreatment from others and may even neglect your own needs and feelings because you don’t believe you are worthy of care and respect.

Being in tune with your values makes it easier to live a life that’s authentically you. Self-love gives us the courage to be assertive, make decisions and set boundaries in our lives.iii

So do yourself a favour, take a deep breath, give yourself a little hug and try our simple steps to practice self-love this Valentine’s Day (and every day):

How Kalms can help

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i Having a Self-Relationship: 9 Ways to Make it Healthy (

ii Why self-love is important - and how to cultivate it (My Online Therapy)

iii Why Self-Love Is the Pillar of Your Life (Intelligent Change)

iv Exercising to Relax - Harvard Health Publishing (Harvard Health)

v Vitamin D: Benefits, Sources, Deficiencies (

vi Physical Health and Sleep: How are They Connected? (

vii How to Clear Your Mind for Reduced Stress (

viii How to be happier - NHS (

ix Stress relief from laughter? It's no joke  (Mayo Clinic)

14th February 2024
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